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AUDIO: Bobby Creekwater - "I Do That" + (Some of words of music wisdom)

Before you listen to another great record from Mr. Creekwater we just want yall to know that we are blessed to be getting he's emails personally and he always comes through with words of music wisdom before we hit that download link. So what we want to do is share with you the greatness that was said in this last email.

Take it away Bobby....
Ladies and gentleman, first and foremost, I would like to say thank you all for being patient with me. I know at times I'm not the easiest artist to follow. That’s just it….I'm an artist. But on the flip side of that coin, I solemnly swear to always give you (and by you I mean my extended family) the best fucking music you've ever laid ears on. And also to be ten times better than any other artist you might like, or be momentarily infatuated with due to the fact that I'm not out….No LOL….I’m serious! I say all of that to say here is the next installment of music from LORD WOLFGANG CREEK, that’s me by the way, a song entitled I DO THAT….Partake!

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